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Serving the San Juan Islands and beyond

Sunbreak Roving Veterinary Services

The convenience and comfort of home. General medical services plus complementary care. 

Wellness evaluations, basic care, mobility optimization, pain management, and end of life considerations.  Experienced managing elite athletes and geriatrics alike.

Teri Dowdell, DVM, CCRT

doctor of veterinary medicine, certified canine rehabilitation therapist, certified in medical acupuncture for veterinarians


Hello! If you are looking for thoughtful, progressive care for your non-human family members in the comfort and convenience of your own home, contact me! I offer a variety of services including general wellness exams and lab work, plus more specific treatments that target athletic performance, mobility, pain management, and hospice. Visit the service links below for specific expectations.  

Every stage of life should be the best

(that it can be)

This great adventure has many scenarios and lasts a lifetime. The young have very different concerns compared to the middle aged, which have different needs than those in their twilight time. The services Sunbreak Roving Veterinary Services offer are tailored for individuals with their immediate goals taken into consideration.

Performance and Mobility Optimization

When "fun" requires strength and precision

Pain Management for the Young and Old

Acupuncture, Therapeutic Laser, Manual Techniques and more

Home Hospice

In Home Euthanasia

Caring with the comfort of home

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Opening Hours

Hours vary depending on location. Currently serving all of the San Juan Islands. I am not generally available for after hours emergency situations. Please contact me for details and scheduling. 



Call, text or email me. I will return messages as soon as possible. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for a response. 



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From pets and their people


Dr. Dowdell,

It has been a pleasure doing business and getting to know you over the past few years.  I’m convinced that our paths crossed for a reason rather than by chance.  You’ve gone above and beyond in caring for Isis.  It was obvious from the beginning that you have a special touch with our four legged friends.  I encourage anybody who is considering acupuncture and laser treatment for your pet, to make an appointment with Dr. Dowdell.  You won’t be sorry and your pet will be better for the treatment.   

Rewind: Isis is a 10 ½ year old female Doberman.  At six she had spinal surgery for a ruptured disk, and it was discovered that she has wobbler syndrome (cervical spondylomyelopathy).  Post surgery, Dr. Dowdell began treating Isis via physical therapy, including acupuncture, which improved her recovery process significantly.  Fast forward a couple years, and we received the heart wrenching news that Isis has Lymphoma, for which she had chemo and is now in remission.  One week before her final chemo treatment, the wobblers reared its ugly head.  Isis began falling and knuckling frequently and was becoming less and less steady on her feet.  It was looking like the end was fast approaching.  I couldn’t give up yet, so I scheduled a consultation with Dr. Dowdell one more time.  After just one acupuncture and laser treatment, the improvement was visibly obvious.  Might I say I was impressed? well yes I was.  We’ve had regular visits since and her pain and symptoms are well controlled.

We will certainly miss you and wish you the best of luck as you set out to write a new chapter.

Brenda & Isis Lee


When Stuey was just about a year old, his vet told us we could expect his first hip replacement at 4 or 5 years, as his hip joints were not fully developed. Thanks to Dr. Dowdell, Stu never had to have surgery and remained strong and mobile his entire life. He could run and play, climb stairs, and take long walks. The treatments and exercises she gave him were the primary reason for his excellent joint health. Sadly, shortly after Stuey’s tenth birthday, cancer struck, and when it was time to say goodbye, Dr. Dowdell came to our home and lovingly, patiently helped our boy to the Rainbow Bridge. Though brokenhearted about our loss, we remain forever grateful for Dr. Dowdell and all she did for us and for Stu throughout his life and, especially, at the end.  –Kim Jones & John Rollins

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My dog, Sheriff, suffered from a spinal injury after being hit by a car that left him paralyzed in his back legs. Following his spinal surgery, Dr. Dowdell took over his care, providing laser treatments, acupuncture, physical therapy, and hydrotherapy. In addition, Dr. Dowdell gave me exercises to work with him at home. Within 6 weeks he regained use of his back legs. He got stronger and maintained his strength under Dr. Dowdell’s continued managed care. It has been 3 years since his accident and Sheriff still enjoys daily walks, and loves to chase squirrels in the backyard. She gave my sweet boy a chance at
living a normal life. I can never repay her kindness and patience with my endless questions. I would recommend Dr. Teri Dowdell to anyone who loves their pet. We miss her horribly.


Yacc and his sister, Vermal, showed up at my house a week after we moved in.  They were about 5 months old and very wild.  I successfully caught them in a humane trap and converted them to indoor kitties.  That was 19 years ago.  Arthritis and kidney failure have taken their toll on both of them over the years.  Dr. Dowdell certainly made Yacc’s last few years more comfortable with acupuncture and cold laser treatment.  It was amazing how he relaxed and accepted her gentle touch inserting the needles.  Vermal is in better general health; she is feistier, but also very receptive to Dr. Dowdell’s touch with acupuncture treatment.  When it became apparent Yacc was no longer enjoying life, we decided on a home euthanasia.  As sad as it was to lose him, this home method which was new to me, is such a peaceful farewell and not stressful to the pet.


When our Murphy, a Lab/Chessie cross, was not quite three years old, he was hit by a car.  As a consequence, he lost one of his back legs and ended up with a total hip replacement on the other side.  When he was stable enough to start rehab, we went to see Dr. Teri Dowdell.  She put together a program for him that was absolutely amazing.  By the end of his rehab, he was once again able to run free on the beach, swim in lakes and rivers and have great tug-of-wars with our Golden, Gus.  Whenever Murphy would need a "tuneup" we would head back to see her.  Laser treatments and acupuncture would have him up and going quickly.

We don't know how we would have managed without the talents and caring treatment of Dr. Dowdell.  We cannot recommend her highly enough.  She made all the difference in Murphy's life.

Garry and Kathi Swindell
Fruitland, Idaho


Teri Dowdell treated my dog, Pepper, a lab mix, when he was about 15 and was recovering from knee surgery.  She helped with specific instructions for exercise and treated him weekly.  He recovered fully and was better than new.  He benefited  from the treatments, and was so old, I decided to continued to have him go weekly for what I call the “spa”.  He had hydrotherapy, acupuncture, electricity in his muscles and who knows what else.  Almost every time, the next day after his treatments, he was energized.  I am certain because of the continued care provided by Dr. Dowdell, he is still doing as well as can be imagined.  We just celebrated his 19th birthday with lots of fans.  These days he goes for short walks 2-3 times a day, eats well, is friendly to everyone.  Charlie, my 6 year old neighbor told me “Pepper is a grandfather dog, with good manners.”  Thank you Dr. Dowdell for adding quality of Pepper’s long life.  Susan Graham


"When my boy Tomo was about 12 years old his primary veterinarian suggested that he might benefit from some physiotherapy and referred us to Dr. Teri Dowdell.  After our initial consultation Dr. Dowdell diagnosed spinal neuropathy and recommended acupuncture.  I witnessed an immediate improvement in Tomo’s mobility. Tomo loved Dr. Dowdell and her demeanor put Tomo at ease for each session which evolved to a once a week routine.

Dr. Dowdell treated Tomo immediately following his two vestibular incidents which I attribute to his essentially 100% recovery after his first and good recovery from his second.  Her dedication to Tomo in both incidents allowed Tomo to maintain a good quality of life.

In the end at 15 years old and with other medical issues, Tomo was losing the battle and Dr. Dowdell graciously accepted my request to help Tomo make his last journey in the comfort of the home he loved so much.  Tomo's relationship with Dr. Dowdell and her gentle, caring demeanor made the process as comfortable as possible and allowed Tomo to maintain his dignity to the end.

I could not recommend Dr. Dowdell more for helping your beloved pet maintain the best quality of life possible."

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